Buying or selling a home can be one of the most challenging events of your life and my focus is to make sure it is as painless as possible. That does not mean there won’t be hiccups along the way. It does mean that I will walk with you through those hiccups so that you can rest assured in the decision making process.
For honesty, trustworthiness, and a tireless dedication to you as my client, allow me to help you through the buying or selling process.
copyright 2023 - 2024
Cooper Total Solutions LLC
dba - Adam Cooper Real Estate Solutions
IMPORTANT NOTICE OF WARNING - As a REALTOR®, neither I nor my company will ever be involved in providing wire transfer instructions. NEVER TRUST WIRING INSTRUCTIONS SENT VIA EMAIL. Cyber criminals are hacking email accounts and sending emails with fake wiring instructions. These emails are convincing and sophisticated. ALWAYS independently confirm wiring instructions in person or via a telephone call to a trusted and verified phone number. NEVER wire money without double-checking that the wiring instructions are correct.